Tuesday, 14 October 2014

What First Attracts You to A Book?

Never judge a book by its cover, says the old cliche, but how many people do? The cover and the title are the first things the reader sees so they are arguably the most important aspects of the book. Getting them right is another matter.
I have been very fortunate in having an artist friend who paints watercolours to create the images for my covers and I have had many positive comments about them on twitter. As well as reflecting the content of my books they also reflect my dreamlike  personality - but are they 'punchy' enough? Do they grab prospective readers?
I recently read Paddy Cummins @paddycummins memoir The Long Road, in which someone suggested he change the cover of one of his books, which he did and it boosted sales. It set me thinking. Maybe I should try with one of mine. I decided on Angel Breaths.
My good friend Maureen Turner @Booksbymaureen had a lovely cover for her book Do Androids Dream? It was very in keeping with the content and I asked her who had designed it. She very kindly put me in touch with a friend of hers, Yvonne Thompson, and I duly contacted her.
The image she created for me is perfect for my story. The angel she has painted IS Angelique!
Do readers choose a book for its cover? I have, many times, and for its title. Some I've enjoyed, some I haven't but that's just the way it goes.
With her new cover we will see if Angelique will fly.

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