Thursday, 22 December 2016

Soul Connection

Over A Spitfire is a story of forbidden love during World War Two. LGBT relationships weren't as accepted in the 1940s as they are today and so Ava and Will's love was a secret, a secret cut short by Will's death. We follow her to the afterlife and feel her despair at being witness to Ava's developing romance with Henry, but Will has plans to return to earth...
During the writing of Over A Spitfire I had an idea to have Will's reincarnated character trace her family but didn't know where it would fit in so I decided against it. Some weeks after publication I was watching a TV programme about reincarnation where people with feelings of deja vu had traced a family from a previous life. In the sequel this is what Will's reincarnated character does.
For anyone who's read Over A Spitfire and enjoyed it I'd like them to read the sequel as in it the character finds closure. It is only a short novella and for that reason I've kept the price low at 99p. I hope you enjoy the stories. If you have, a review would be very welcome. Thank you.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Film Rights

Film rights. Is it a dream all we authors have to see our stories on the cinema or TV screen?
As I write my stories I can see my characters come alive before my eyes as if on a screen, I can hear their voices as they love, fight and make up, as they laugh, cry and just live.
Do we all have those dreaming moments when we are in repose, twiddling our pens, staring blankly at our computer screens?
How do other authors see their stories on screen? Would you want them adapted into film or would you prefer to keep them as they were in your head and let the reader keep them as they see them?
I'd like to see my Willow's Dip series as a Sunday evening TV series. Aidan Turner (Poldark) would have been fabulous for my Nathaniel O'Keefe but he's much too big a star now for my little story. I'd love Over A Spitfire, my wartime reincarnation story and its sequel with the family ancestry theme to become either a film or a drama. I can see those wonderful Spitfires in action, hear the memorable wartime songs that my parents used to sing, and the 60s songs I grew up listening to. I can see the mods with their Vespa scooters and the 60s fashions, hear the jukebox playing in the little cafe the teeneagers hang out in in my story.
All I need is that element of luck - don't we all - for my story - any of my stories - to be seen by the right eyes, to be in the right place at the right time.
I can but dream...